Juice Plus

Sunday 17 December 2017

Why my business has helped me

So here goes😬, my own story in words❣️

I never thought I’d do thisπŸ™Š. I never thought I’d want people to know what’s going on inside my head because I couldn’t even explain it myself. But I now have the ability to get it down so I’m going for it.  

Before I started this business, I had 0 confidence, I was scared of my own shadow and the thought of going out freaked me out to the point where I didn’t want to go anywhere and I’d avoid the outside at all costsπŸ™…πŸ»‍♀️. When we first moved, I didn’t even know what I was feeling was anxiety, I just knew there was something wrong, going to college every week was a struggle , getting the bus, even going to doctors, just the little things people do everyday, I couldn’t do without feeling sick, without my heart racing and my shoulders and back feeling tense. My anxiety was my biggest nightmare. I went nearly everyday on about 3 hours sleep because my nightmares and my thoughts would keep me awake every night. I avoided seeing friends and when I did meet a friend, I felt sick the whole time. My biggest fear is travelling, I hate trains and buses. If I could walk it I would. I was at the point where I didn’t think anything was going to help me. I tried all sorts of tablets, karms, sleeping tablets, nothing helped. I was starting to give up and started to believe that I would forever feel like this. I just stared to feel like this was what I should be feeling like. 

When I saw a recruitment post on Instagram I wondered what it was about. I saw that i could work from home🏠 and that appealed to me because I wanted to earn my own money, but getting out and getting a job was a massive thing for me and I couldn’t do it with my anxiety. So I messaged shanice (my up-line) and got some information. I didn’t think it was anything at first, I just thought maybe I could earn myself some coffee money so I didn’t have to rely on mum every time I wanted to meet a friend( which wasn’t often at all), or buy myself a snack. 

After a few weeks of thinking about it , I decided it was worth a shot, so I went for it. At first I was a nervous wreck and didn’t push myself anymore then just posting, and my bussiness was steady, but I wanted more. 

I started on the shakes because I’ve always had a issue with my weight, I would like to be a lot bigger. I want to feel less insecure, I don’t want bad skin and broken nails because I’m constantly biting them out of bad habits from my anxiety. These are the things that was going through my mind because i was now learning about the healthy life style and I knew I needed to change mine. I cut down on caffeine, and started the shakes. I also knew that I needed to be the product of the product, so people would believe in the products more. And I needed to know what I was talking about.

Within 2 weeks I noticed a change in my skin, nailsπŸ’…πŸ»and hairπŸ’†πŸ»‍♀️. And my jeans started to fit better. You’ll be surprised at what a clear face, strong nails and thicker hair can do for a persons confidence. That’s when it started. 

I then decided to get the capsules, the premiums and the omega’s because I loved how I felt with the shakes and I wanted more. 

Last month i did my first ever live on Instagram. And I can honestly tell you, that’s down to the capsules and how they’ve made me feel. There’s me, before I started this bussiness, not even wanting to talk to someone outside, and now I can say I’ve done 3 lives and loved every second of it. What people might think is no longer an issue to meπŸ‘ΈπŸ». I talk to people online every single day, without even thinking about it. I no longer second guess myself and over think every little situation. I take every situation as it comes and roll with it. πŸ’₯Not only is it the products, but it’s the people in this bussiness, the support and the passion I have to want more for myself. If I wasn’t passionate about making this bussiness work, it wouldn’t have helped me the way it has. It’s given me purpose. Something to do when I’m feeling low, keeping busy is such a massive cure for the mind. I wake up every day and wonder how I can push myself that dayπŸ‘€.

So as you can see, this bussiness is more than just earning money. It’s shaping me as a person, and helping me get better, in time I know I’ll be 100% anxiety free, and I never thought I’d say that. I’m already about 60% there i’d say. My confidence shocks me everyday, it grows everyday and I sometimes look in the mirror and smile because I’m a different person to the person in the mirror a year ago and that’s something I can be proud to say. If I could help someone feel this way in this bussiness, it would make my year. 

No storm lasts foreverπŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ’«πŸŒˆ

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Juice Plus Shakes

Hello lovelies,

The Shakes 😍

I live for these shakes...

Let me tell you whats inside them.

Juice Plus

Hello lovelies,

Joining juice plus πŸ’œπŸ’œ...

When i was scrolling on Instagram one day i kept coming across this girls posts about the business, her name was Shanice, she's now my amazing up line and good friend, at first i didn't take any notice, i didn't really know what it was, until one day i really took interest and decided to message her for some details, just because i was curious. Boy am i glad i did!!

Thursday 25 May 2017

Invisible Book Review

Invisible Book Review.

Author: Cecily Anne Paterson.
My Rating: 2*
Synopsis: Jazmine Crawford doesn't make decisions. She doesn't make choices. She doesn't make friends. Jazmine Crawford only wants one thing: to be invisible. For Jazmine, it's a lot easier to take out her hearing aid and drift along pretending that nothing's wrong than it is to admit that she's heartbroken. She starts to come out of her shell when she's forced to be in the school play and even makes friends with bouncy Gabby and chocolate-loving Liam. But can she stand up to the school bully, and is she strong enough to face the truth about what really happened to her dad?

My thoughts...

I read this book in July 2014 and I have to admit, I was disappointed. My type of book that I normally go for is young adult or romance, so that is why I found this book in the kindle store and decided to give it a read. In the synopsis they made it sound like a exciting story line, but in my opinion there is nothing big or exciting that happens. No big plot or storyline that keeps you hooked.

I have read other peoples reviews on this book and I have seen that quite a lot of people have rated it 5*. If you like a book that is very realistic and a easy read, then this is the book for you. Unfortunately, I prefer books with more suspension and atmosphere. I like to know that something exciting is about to happen, that is what makes me want to read on. 

Also, this book did have a few grammar errors , which I found off putting when I was reading it. 

One thing I did quite like about this book however, is that it was written in a 12 year old's point of view, which is different to what I'm use to, so I found that adorable. Also, the character wasn't overly whiny, which Is a bonus, even tho we knew she was going through some terrible situations, she wasn't constantly moaning. 

If you are thinking about reading this book, I recommend you don't go into it with expectations that its going to be the best book ever. Instead, just start the book with an open mind and just simply enjoy the story line and try to connect with the characters. I found it easy to connect with Jazmine.

Overall, I found the story line sweet because it was nice to see how a troubled teenage can turn her life around. However, I was quite disappointed because I was expecting more drama and excitement, there wasn't really enough to please me, therefore I've rated the book 2*s.

Until Next Time Lovelies❤

Saturday 20 May 2017

13 Reasons Why Book Review

Author: Jay Asher
My Rating: 5*.
Synopsis: You can’t stop the future.
You can’t rewind the past.
The only way to learn the secret . . . is to press play.

Clay Jensen returns home from school to find a strange package with his name on it lying on his porch. Inside he discovers several cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker–his classmate and crush–who committed suicide two weeks earlier. Hannah’s voice tells him that there are thirteen reasons why she decided to end her life. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he’ll find out why.

Clay spends the night crisscrossing his town with Hannah as his guide. He becomes a first hand witness to Hannah’s pain, and as he follows Hannah’s recorded words throughout his town, what he discovers changes his life forever.

My Thoughts...

Here we go, my first book review ah! 

I loved 13 Reasons Why the book just as much as I loved the series. And I'm pretty sure I can think of 13 reasons whyπŸ˜‰. Ha, we'll see.

If you haven't read this book yet, don't read on because there are major spoilers here.

There's been so many mixed emotions and reviews about the story behind 13 reasons why, I can see why people are a little worried about it because if you are reading this book as someone who is depressed and is considering committing suicide, you might look at this story and think that if you kill yourself, everyone will finally listen, understand and even be punished. However, I personally think that the story shows how important it is to be kind always, you never know what's going on in someone else's head and you could be the reason they decide to end their lives, no matter how small or big that issue was that involved you. One thing on top of another and another all builds up in someone's life. Hannah came across as a bubbly girl, smiley, so you would never have known what she was thinking about behind that smile she was showing. People are very good at hiding their emotions. Not everyone knows how to express what they are thinking and feeling.

Some people see Hannah as the victim but some people think that the 13 tapes were evil and all its done is bring misery to everyone's lives. She's just a self absorbed brat who refused to take responsibility for herself. To some extend I agree, but then I also see the message behind it all. I also think that at the end of the day it doesn't matter if she was a complete cow or not, her parents still lost their daughter and this girl was clearly broken enough to end her own life in such a tragic way. It doesn't matter what her reasons were, she should have been able to get help before it got to the point it did. Suicide should never be an option.

Another message I heard loud and clear from this book was that if someone reaches out to you, don't dismiss it, don't just not deal with it because you don't know what to say, you could make a massive impact in the persons life. Hannah reached out to a few people and she got nothing from it, so in the end she just felt completely alone and she felt like no one would even notice if she was gone.

The first thing I love about this book is of course Clay! How can you not! I love how well written his point of view is, every feeling he's felt we felt it too. The love he felt for Hannah, I could really feel it and hear when he was listening to her tapes. Clay is someone you want to hear from, you want to feel what he's feeling and you want to know what he has to say. Clay is a good person that Hannah left behind because of miscommunication, he was shy and he struggled to communicate with Hannah when she needed him to the most. He blamed himself and I don't think that's very fair.

The second thing I loved about this book is flicking back from Clayton to the tapes, it was well written. Normally that kind of thing can get confusing when you don't know who's point of view we are reading but not in this book, it was written out so well and clear. It really shows you that there is always two sides to every story and everyone see's things clearly.

I like that the book addresses rape for what it is. Brice not only took advantage of a girl who was passed out, but because no one spoke up about it, he then went on to rape Hannah in the hot tub. His excuse is that she got into the hot tub, so in his mind he thinks that gives him a invitation and that she wanted to have sex with him because she got into that hot tub.

I felt it was so easy to feel the characters emotions and feelings, Jay Asher did a great job with that.

One difference between the TV series and the book is, Justin and Jessica got together In the TV show but not in the book. I think that's a better storyline to go with because it really shows how disgusting is it that Justin let Brice into that room, knowing Jessica, his girlfriend, was passed out on the bed. He knew what Brice was going in their to do to her and he did nothing. Even in the book version though its still bad, girlfriend or not. I guess this storyline shows peer pressure and the fear of upsetting the wrong person. Justin says that Brice was there for him when no one else was, so that was his reason for not wanting to upset him. Justin did go into the room and try to stop Brice but it was too late and Brice just pushed him out and locked the door. Some could say that Hannah could have stopped it too, but when you're in a situation like that and you see the way his own best friend cant even stop him, you would freeze too. If she came out of that closest she probably would have been raped herself then and there or attacked even.

I think its so sad that a lot of teenagers don't want to or cant talk to their parents about things that are going on in their lives.

So there you go, overall I loved the book and I can see the message behind the story. Love each other, be kind always. SUICIDE IS NOT AN OPTION.

Till Next Time❤

Tuesday 28 February 2017


The fear of what could happen...

Ever felt so alone even when you're surrounded by people? Yeah me too. Let me tell you a bit about anxiety. It's one of those awful things that people will never quite understand unless they've experienced it themselves. People look at it and think "uh that's nothing" but really it's a big thing.

But how do we explain anxiety exactly?

There's no one way to describe it because everyone suffers differently. I can explain how I see it though.

Something so small like going to a appointment or meeting up with an old friend can seem so massive and scary in a suffers mind, trust me I know. This is why I'm writing about my feelings here now, because we all keep it in because we find it difficult to find people who understand but I recently discovered that there's a lot more people out there that understand because they are feeling the exact same as me. its not always easy to put into words but I'm going to try. I really want others to feel like there's someone out there that understands and you're not alone.

There's just a constant worry about everything and we don't want to put ourselves in new situations. In every situation, the worst scenario is our biggest thought.  Also, I tend to rewind certain conversations over and over again in my head, overthinking it way to much until it becomes a much bigger conversation than it originally was. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this, right?

My biggest trigger is people, uncomfortable situations and the main one is travelling on my own. Trains espically, I don't know why but it really makes me panic and I always feel a attack coming on. I've learnt how to stop that from happening but it's not always easy. I look around and wonder if people can see how much I'm struggling inside, but I'm sure they can't.

I am always comparing my success to everyone else that's around my age and I always feel like such a let down, when really everyone progresses in different stages and that's okay. We feel like everyone around us is judging our every move but really they are too busy worrying about you judging them.

Some days are harder than others. It becomes a battle to get out of bed on them real rough days. However, there are days where it feels like everything will be okay. We just need to hold on to them days and not forget that they do exist. Go to bed thinking that tomorrow is going to be a good day and it more than likely will be.

When it comes to sleeping, its a whole different battle. For some reason our minds work over time at night and we tend to think about every possible thing that would worry us. we think about things that wouldn't even cross our minds during the day. Then, when we finally get to sleep, something wakes us up and sometimes we have no idea why, but it could be a bad dream, or it could be our minds working overtime again. Most nights I wake up sweating and even crying and I cant remember why. The worst nights though are when you have a nightmare and it stays with you for the rest of the next day.

Panic attacks are the worst part about anxiety in my opinion. They make you feel like the room is closing in around you and all you want to do is scream, cry and crawl up into a ball and never come back out. You get yourself so worked up and panicked that you just keep panicking about panicking and it feels like you're never going to be able to stop. People around you sometimes make it worst by telling you to calm down because its easier said then done and only you can get yourself to calm down, no one else can do that for you.

Anxiety I extremely mentally and physically exhausting. But unfortunately with anxiety you are the one bringing it to yourself, you are the one getting yourself worked up and you're the one who's overthinking everything. We just need to work out why we do this to ourselves, then we can begin to try and help ourselves and get better in time.

But remember, Its not a matter of if we will get past this, its when!

Till Next Time ❤

Monday 27 February 2017

About Me And My Blog


Welcome to my blog. My names Jayde and I'm 19 years old. I decided to make this blog because I have so much to say about anything and everything and there's no better place to do that. I don't like to boor my friends and family too much so ill just put my thoughts and feelings into words and boor you guys instead πŸ˜„ . I find its good therapy when I'm feeling low. There will be a section on my blog for my rants. Anxiety is a big part of my life so there will be a section about how it effects me and how I cope with it day to day, so if you're like me and you suffer with anxiety, give my stuff a read and maybe you can relate. I'm always here for a chat.

When I left school, I went into accounting, I started the course at college and did work experience in a finance office. but as time went on I realised I've always wanted to be a primary school teacher because who doesn't love working with kiddies and making a difference in their lives? So that's what I'm training towards now, my open uni course is due to start in October this year so wish me luck.

I love a lot of TV series but my all time favourites are; One Tree Hill, 90210, The OC, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars and The Vampire Diaries. I have literally watched them all about 4 times now, I know I'm sad but why waste your time on series you don't really enjoy when you can watch the ones you know you love? I'm going to do some reviews on each of these series so if you're wondering what they're like keep an eye out for that! Or, if you want to follow along with me and send me questions about the episode then we can do that. Please let me know how you'd like me to do it, I can do a review per episode or per two episodes or something like that, please comment and let me know what you would prefer if that's something you'd like to read.

When it comes to makeup, I'm all over it. I love trying out new products. I recently signed up for something called birch box, I get a box every month full of 5 little goodies that they pick for me according to my profile for only £10 a month! So once I've checked out and tried the goodies ill be doing reviews on here for you guys so keep an eye out for that too if you're interested. But of course that's not the only thing Ill be doing reviews on, like I said, I have a lot to say about everything and anything. 😏

So yeah that pretty much sums up what my blog will be like. Me talking about my life and things that bug me, but also things that I like. Reviews on things I've bought and tried out, and series reviews for people watching along with me, thinking about watching or already have watched.

Till Next Time Lovelies.