Juice Plus

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Juice Plus

Hello lovelies,

Joining juice plus ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ...

When i was scrolling on Instagram one day i kept coming across this girls posts about the business, her name was Shanice, she's now my amazing up line and good friend, at first i didn't take any notice, i didn't really know what it was, until one day i really took interest and decided to message her for some details, just because i was curious. Boy am i glad i did!!

She explained it to me in detail and at first i thought, oh i cant afford to do this, i wouldn't be able to get any sales anyway, so i left it for a while. I had no money to my name and i suffer with anxiety so going out and getting a normal job was hard for me.

A few days, or weeks went by and i kept seeing her posts and it all looked so exciting, i just couldn't let it go, so i told my mum. She said she would borrow me the 50 pounds, but i didn't think she could so i didn't ask again. She wasn't really that sure about it herself anyway i could just tell.

Just before my birthday i mentioned it to her again and said i would spend my birthday money on the sign up fee, because i was that determined by then. This was after i had spoken to Shanice some more,and began to understand it so much better by now. Mum just nodded but i don't think she quite got it yet.

When the Monday before my birthday came around, my birthday was the Thursday, Shanice told me about the opportunity call that was happening that night at 9. So i did what she said, got the app and listened in at 9. I was completely blown away by what i was hearing, honestly i never in a million years thought this business could do that much for someone, its potentially life changing,. all i need to do is work my butt off at it and i was so ready to do that. So i what-sapped mum because she was on her way home from working in London, and told her all about what i was hearing. She came back with 'sign up now if you like, use your birthday money from me early'. I was SO excited so i messaged Shanice and told her. The opportunity call was still going at this point, i hadn't even finished it yet. ๐Ÿ˜€She was just as excited and she told me what details i needed. At first we didn't think it was going to work because i didn't have my national insurance number at the time, i had sent off for it and was waiting for it to come in the post. Luckily though it worked without it!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

So the next day i got started properly and iv'e not looked back since, its honestly the best thing I've  ever done!! It works perfectly around my uni work, i can work my own hours from wherever i like. if i don't want to get up at silly hours in the morning i don't have too! I've made a group of lovely friends and that group grows mostly everyday!! I have a team of 2 girls I've recruited myself and i'm working on building that team even more. I absolutely love it, that is by far the best thing about the job for me. I love helping customers with their goals, but i also love giving someone else the amazing opportunity i was lucky enough to be given. ๐Ÿ’˜

Is this the life change you've been looking for? ๐Ÿ˜›
You never know until you've tried. imagine if i didn't!! I'd still be feeling lost within myself. ๐Ÿ˜•
Are you sick and tried of your boring nine to five jobs? Do you want more out of life? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
All you need is a passion to help others, your mobile phone and the will power to succeed. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
If you are a little interested then please pop me a message, ill put my details below for you all. ๐Ÿ’‹

Instagram - xjayde97
Twitter - _Jaydexx
Juice plus website - http://jb52941.juiceplus.com/

Till Next Time ❤

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