Juice Plus

Sunday 17 December 2017

Why my business has helped me

So here goes😬, my own story in words❣️

I never thought I’d do thisπŸ™Š. I never thought I’d want people to know what’s going on inside my head because I couldn’t even explain it myself. But I now have the ability to get it down so I’m going for it.  

Before I started this business, I had 0 confidence, I was scared of my own shadow and the thought of going out freaked me out to the point where I didn’t want to go anywhere and I’d avoid the outside at all costsπŸ™…πŸ»‍♀️. When we first moved, I didn’t even know what I was feeling was anxiety, I just knew there was something wrong, going to college every week was a struggle , getting the bus, even going to doctors, just the little things people do everyday, I couldn’t do without feeling sick, without my heart racing and my shoulders and back feeling tense. My anxiety was my biggest nightmare. I went nearly everyday on about 3 hours sleep because my nightmares and my thoughts would keep me awake every night. I avoided seeing friends and when I did meet a friend, I felt sick the whole time. My biggest fear is travelling, I hate trains and buses. If I could walk it I would. I was at the point where I didn’t think anything was going to help me. I tried all sorts of tablets, karms, sleeping tablets, nothing helped. I was starting to give up and started to believe that I would forever feel like this. I just stared to feel like this was what I should be feeling like. 

When I saw a recruitment post on Instagram I wondered what it was about. I saw that i could work from home🏠 and that appealed to me because I wanted to earn my own money, but getting out and getting a job was a massive thing for me and I couldn’t do it with my anxiety. So I messaged shanice (my up-line) and got some information. I didn’t think it was anything at first, I just thought maybe I could earn myself some coffee money so I didn’t have to rely on mum every time I wanted to meet a friend( which wasn’t often at all), or buy myself a snack. 

After a few weeks of thinking about it , I decided it was worth a shot, so I went for it. At first I was a nervous wreck and didn’t push myself anymore then just posting, and my bussiness was steady, but I wanted more. 

I started on the shakes because I’ve always had a issue with my weight, I would like to be a lot bigger. I want to feel less insecure, I don’t want bad skin and broken nails because I’m constantly biting them out of bad habits from my anxiety. These are the things that was going through my mind because i was now learning about the healthy life style and I knew I needed to change mine. I cut down on caffeine, and started the shakes. I also knew that I needed to be the product of the product, so people would believe in the products more. And I needed to know what I was talking about.

Within 2 weeks I noticed a change in my skin, nailsπŸ’…πŸ»and hairπŸ’†πŸ»‍♀️. And my jeans started to fit better. You’ll be surprised at what a clear face, strong nails and thicker hair can do for a persons confidence. That’s when it started. 

I then decided to get the capsules, the premiums and the omega’s because I loved how I felt with the shakes and I wanted more. 

Last month i did my first ever live on Instagram. And I can honestly tell you, that’s down to the capsules and how they’ve made me feel. There’s me, before I started this bussiness, not even wanting to talk to someone outside, and now I can say I’ve done 3 lives and loved every second of it. What people might think is no longer an issue to meπŸ‘ΈπŸ». I talk to people online every single day, without even thinking about it. I no longer second guess myself and over think every little situation. I take every situation as it comes and roll with it. πŸ’₯Not only is it the products, but it’s the people in this bussiness, the support and the passion I have to want more for myself. If I wasn’t passionate about making this bussiness work, it wouldn’t have helped me the way it has. It’s given me purpose. Something to do when I’m feeling low, keeping busy is such a massive cure for the mind. I wake up every day and wonder how I can push myself that dayπŸ‘€.

So as you can see, this bussiness is more than just earning money. It’s shaping me as a person, and helping me get better, in time I know I’ll be 100% anxiety free, and I never thought I’d say that. I’m already about 60% there i’d say. My confidence shocks me everyday, it grows everyday and I sometimes look in the mirror and smile because I’m a different person to the person in the mirror a year ago and that’s something I can be proud to say. If I could help someone feel this way in this bussiness, it would make my year. 

No storm lasts foreverπŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ’«πŸŒˆ